Strategy documents

Tracking the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy

Visit the Tracking the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy site to access online dashboards, download data, and learn more about how we track efforts related to the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy.

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This website ― — will continue to be the destination for formal Strategy documents and archived annual reports can be found on the Previous Annual Reports​​​​​​ page.

The Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy

INRS Practice Efficiency Updates

Updates to Best Management Practices (BMPs) included in the INRS are summarized in the documents below this introduction. Updated practices, their relative efficiencies, and corresponding corn yield impacts utilizing the same methodology developed for the INRS Nonpoint Science Assessment and BMP efficacy. This update reflects ongoing work to address the Research and Technology action item of the INRS. The updated assessment for P-based practices is underway.


Revised version - February 2025


Timeline of Activities and Accomplishments


Supplemental Documents

NRS Baseline Period

Water Monitoring

Practice Review

Farmer Survey

Previous Versions of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy

Revised version - December 2017


Revised version - September 2016

Revised version - October 2014

Revised version - May 2013

First draft - November 2012

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